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经颅超声刺激辅助缺血性脑卒中后康复训练的研究进展attachment 中风康复医学区 星空z月亮忘记了 2023-1-17 0431 星空z月亮忘记了 2023-1-17 20:45
A Review of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound for Therapeutic Applicationsattachment 中风康复医学区 星空z月亮忘记了 2023-1-17 0445 星空z月亮忘记了 2023-1-17 20:43
Pulsed Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation Immediately After The Ischemic Bra...attachment 中风康复医学区 星空z月亮忘记了 2023-1-17 0389 星空z月亮忘记了 2023-1-17 20:40
基于星形胶质细胞-小胶质细...控慢性偏头痛的中枢炎症机制_孙铭声attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0828 yuki 2023-1-13 23:33
偏头痛三叉神经血管学说的研究进展_王雅娟attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0942 yuki 2023-1-13 23:27
针刺对无先兆偏头痛患者疼痛调控脑区影响的文献研究_陈秋怡attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 01050 yuki 2023-1-13 23:25
电针对偏头痛大鼠行为学及中...活和P2X7受体表达的影响_裴培attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 01819 yuki 2023-1-13 23:23
小胶质细胞在原发性头痛中的作用研究进展_周艳杰attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0479 yuki 2023-1-13 23:22
前庭性偏头痛相关基因的研究进展_韦东瑶attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0515 yuki 2023-1-13 23:20
中国偏头痛诊治指南(2022版)_董钊_attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 01845 yuki 2023-1-13 23:18
针刺调控偏头痛大鼠三叉神经...制干扰素-γ的抗炎镇痛机制_刘一attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0536 yuki 2023-1-13 23:15
焦虑和抑郁导致偏头痛患者f...fMRI横断面研究(英文)_陈柱鸿attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0546 yuki 2023-1-13 23:13
大脑类淋巴系统在头痛中的潜在作用_黄万斌attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-1-13 0520 yuki 2023-1-13 23:10
喜讯:王以申入选“住院医生规范化培训基地卓越住院医师培养计划” 针灸教学讨论区 笑湖 2019-10-7 13005 admin 2022-12-19 21:50
本版置顶 综述文献写作规范学习attachment digest 针灸教学讨论区 yangxue 2022-12-19 0969 yangxue 2022-12-19 21:44
2022-2023学年第一学期针灸学课程登记贴(2019级)heatlevel  ...234 针灸教学讨论区 zhenzhidao 2022-11-10 334439 2019511033 2022-12-2 21:07
针灸通过调节氧化应激来治疗缺血性中风的机制Mechanisms of Acupuncture in the Re...新人帖 attachment 中风康复医学区 WTW 2022-10-9 01001 WTW 2022-10-9 13:42
郑魁山临证针法经验介绍attachment 针灸推拿技术讨论 李辉 2022-10-7 0818 李辉 2022-10-7 23:12
郑魁山教授“温通针法”临证运用规律总结attachment 针灸推拿技术讨论 李辉 2022-10-7 0802 李辉 2022-10-7 23:11
试论针刺有效刺激量attachment 针灸推拿技术讨论 李辉 2022-10-7 0829 李辉 2022-10-7 22:00
石学敏院士针刺手法量学的概念及核心新人帖 attachment 针灸推拿技术讨论 李辉 2022-10-7 0854 李辉 2022-10-7 21:49
中医防治阿尔茨海默病的新思路——表观遗传学attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0866 吴越 2022-10-7 19:53
DNA甲基化与阿尔茨海默病病理的相关性研究attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0795 吴越 2022-10-7 19:49
基于表观遗传学探讨中医药防治宫颈癌的机制研究attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0757 吴越 2022-10-7 19:47
线粒体DNA甲基化在阿尔茨海默病中的研究进展attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0659 吴越 2022-10-7 19:45
基于DNA 甲基化与Aβ 沉积探讨针刺治疗阿尔茨海默病的可能机制attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0676 吴越 2022-10-7 19:42
针灸调节免疫衰老及其表观遗传机制attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0610 吴越 2022-10-7 19:39
表观遗传学在中医针灸研究中的应用探讨attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0628 吴越 2022-10-7 19:37
表观遗传学与阿尔茨海默病attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0611 吴越 2022-10-7 19:34
表观遗传修饰调控阿尔茨海默病的研究进展attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0648 吴越 2022-10-7 19:30
基于表观遗传学探讨针灸缓解内脏高敏感的可能机制attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 吴越 2022-10-7 0628 吴越 2022-10-7 19:25
Familial Alzheimer’s disease presenilin‑2 mutants afect Ca2+ homeostasis 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0523 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:14
Klotho Ameliorates Cellular Inflammation via Suppression of Cytokine Release ...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0581 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:11
Presenilin1 familial Alzheimer disease mutants inactivate EFNB1- and BDNF-dep...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0531 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:09
blood circulatory level of seven sir source mol neurobiol so 2022 jan 7attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0556 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:07
Antioxidant Modulation of mTOR and Sirtuin Pathways__in Age-Related Neurodege...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0496 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:04
Amyloidogenic and antiamyloidogenic properties ofattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0572 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:02
Alzheimer’s diseaseattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0541 yangxue 2022-10-7 19:00
Alzheimer’s disease and Notch signalingattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0558 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:58
Abnormal Expression of the Cell Cycle__Regulators P16 and CDK4 in Alzheimer's...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0568 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:57
aberrant splicing of psen2 but not source brain so 2022attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0627 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:49
A presenilin-1 mutation causes Alzheimer disease without affecting Notch sign...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0561 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:47
From EST to structure models for functional inference of APP, BACE1, PSEN1, ...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0588 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:43
Longitudinal cognitive decline in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer’s disease var...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0573 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:37
Klotho at the Edge of Alzheimer’s Disease and Senile Depressionattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0554 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:22
Klotho Is a Neuroprotective__and Cognition-Enhancing Proteinattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0578 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:15
Longevity Gene KLOTHO and Alzheimer Disease—__A Better Fate for Individuals ...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0592 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:09
Longevity gene KLOTHO may play a role in Alzheimer diseaseattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0541 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:06
Mutation Profile of APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 in Chinese Familial Alzheimer's Dis...attachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0440 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:03
Plasma Lipids as Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Reviewattachment 信息发布 yangxue 2022-10-7 0465 yangxue 2022-10-7 18:01


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