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A novel regulator in Alzheimer's disease progression: The astrocyte-derived e...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 072 yqw 2024-10-3 13:25
The vascular contribution of apolipoprotein E to Alzheimer's diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 071 yqw 2024-10-3 13:24
Nanozymes in Alzheimer's disease diagnostics and therapyattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 071 yqw 2024-10-3 13:22
CRISPR-Cas9 in Alzheimer's disease: Therapeutic trends, modalities, and chall...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 071 yqw 2024-10-3 13:19
Emerging nanotechnology for Alzheimer's disease: From detection to treatmentattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 0150 yqw 2024-10-3 13:16
Plasma biomarkers predict Alzheimer's disease before clinical onset in Chines...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 071 yqw 2024-10-3 13:14
Tilavonemab in early Alzheimer's disease: results from a phase 2, randomized,...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 079 yqw 2024-10-3 13:12
Global estimates on the number of persons across the Alzheimer’s disease con...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 074 yqw 2024-10-3 13:08
Alzheimer’s disease: From immunotherapy to immunopreventionattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 077 yqw 2024-10-3 13:06
Biomarker Changes during 20 Years Preceding Alzheimer’s Diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 072 yqw 2024-10-3 13:04
Alzheimer’s disease From immunotherapy to immunopreventionattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yqw 2024-10-3 063 yqw 2024-10-3 13:01
Electroacupuncture at ST 36 ameliorates cognitive impairment and beta-amyloid...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0121 yuki 2024-10-1 23:12
Exploration of acupuncture therapy in the treatment of MCI patients with the ...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0120 yuki 2024-10-1 23:07
The effects of APOEe4 allele on cerebral structure, function, and related int...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0120 yuki 2024-10-1 22:59
Elevated Plasma microRNA-206 Levels Predict Cognitive Decline and Progression...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 082 yuki 2024-10-1 22:55
Biomarker Changes during 20 Years Preceding Alzheimer's Diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0119 yuki 2024-10-1 22:51
Cerebrospinal fluid p-tau217 performs better than p-tau181 as a biomarker of ...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0111 yuki 2024-10-1 22:50
Multiplex cerebrospinal fluid proteomics identifies biomarkers for diagnosis ...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 095 yuki 2024-10-1 22:47
Migraineattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0226 yuki 2024-10-1 22:39
CERAD 指南attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 yuki 2024-10-1 0101 yuki 2024-10-1 22:38
阿尔茨海默病体液标志物临床应用中国指南attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0169 Ricky 2024-9-13 13:55
Current Developments in Alzheimer’s Diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0155 Ricky 2024-9-13 12:49
the current trends of the effective diagnosis and therapeuticsattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0169 Ricky 2024-9-13 12:48
Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0167 Ricky 2024-9-13 12:46
Biofluid biomarkers for Alzheimer’s diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0162 Ricky 2024-9-13 12:44
老年人认知障碍评估中国专家共识attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0148 Ricky 2024-9-13 12:44
Mechanisms of Acupuncture in Improving ADattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-9-13 0177 Ricky 2024-9-13 12:42
Hotspots and trends of microglia in Alzheimer’s diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0250 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:33
Global trends in PANoptosis researchattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0246 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:26
Research Hotspots and Trends on Acupuncture for Anti-Inflammation 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0249 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:25
Microglia and TREM2attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0251 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:23
The role of microglial TREM2 in developmentattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0252 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:22
The role of microglial TREM2 in developmentattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0223 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:21
TREM2 Defciency Aggravates NLRP3 Infammasomeattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0252 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:20
Identification of senescent, TREM2 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0197 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:19
The longitudinal trajectory of CSF sTREM2attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0236 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:14
Decoding sTREM2: its impact on Alzheimer’s diseaseattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 Ricky 2024-8-5 0180 Ricky 2024-8-5 19:11
Sex-specific associations of kynurenic acid with neopterin in Alzheimer’s di...attachment 神经精神疾病区 朱立科 2024-7-30 0200 朱立科 2024-7-30 14:52
Awareness of episodic memory and meta-cognitive profiles associations with ce...attachment 神经精神疾病区 朱立科 2024-7-30 0209 朱立科 2024-7-30 14:49
Targeting Biometals in Alzheimer’s Disease with Metal Chelating Agents Inclu...attachment 神经精神疾病区 朱立科 2024-7-30 0196 朱立科 2024-7-30 14:46
Targeting Biometals in Alzheimer’s Disease with Metal Chelating Agents Inclu...attachment 神经精神疾病区 朱立科 2024-7-30 0202 朱立科 2024-7-30 14:45
轻度认知障碍神经炎症机制的作用靶点attachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0198 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 12:08
Acupuncture enhances brain function in patients with MCIattachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0199 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 12:04
the Cutoff Value of Related Brain Metabolite inPatients With MCIattachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0217 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 12:01
Acupuncture Therapy on MCI Patients Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopyattachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0226 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 11:48
中药联合电针通过调节细胞因子对轻度认知功能障碍的治疗潜力attachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0194 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 01:34
Spontaneous cerebrovascular reactivity at rest in older adultsattachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0166 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 01:30
轻度认知障碍生物标志物attachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0106 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 01:28
轻度认知障碍进展过程中大脑代谢的区域变化attachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0101 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 01:25
预测轻度认知障碍患者罹患阿尔茨海默病及相关痴呆症的风险attachment 神经精神疾病区 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 0107 孙蓓婕 2024-7-30 01:22


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