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Dose-response relationship between acupuncture time parameters and the effect... 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-10-17 0297 WTW 2023-10-17 00:02
Global research trends in acupuncture for cancer pain: A bibliometric analysis 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-10-16 0310 WTW 2023-10-16 23:53
神经病理性痛的交感-感觉耦联作用attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-10-16 0337 WTW 2023-10-16 23:43
肥大细胞与针灸镇痛 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-10-16 0325 WTW 2023-10-16 23:36
Magnetic resonance imaging in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairmentattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 孙蓓婕 2023-10-15 0402 孙蓓婕 2023-10-15 13:27
撰写文献综述的意义、步骤与常见问题attachment 医学研究资源共享 lion 2023-10-14 01004 lion 2023-10-14 22:50
Immediate analgesic effect of acupuncture intervention within 10 min during a...attachment 医学研究资源共享 lion 2023-10-14 0999 lion 2023-10-14 21:36
Topical treatments for diabetic neuropathic pain (Review)attachment 医学研究资源共享 lion 2023-10-14 01005 lion 2023-10-14 21:28
Non-pharmacologic treatments for symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy ...attachment 医学研究资源共享 lion 2023-10-14 01026 lion 2023-10-14 21:18
Alzheimer’s disease:From immunotherapy to immunopreventionattachment 医学研究资源共享 lion 2023-10-14 01002 lion 2023-10-14 21:12
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology Using Me...attachment 医学研究资源共享 lion 2023-10-14 0980 lion 2023-10-14 21:05
The safety of acupuncture for migraine prevention during pregnancyattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0540 yuki 2023-9-30 21:42
Migraine in older adultsattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0439 yuki 2023-9-30 21:40
Prescription of therapeutic exercise in migraine, an evidence-based clinical ...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0487 yuki 2023-9-30 21:37
Acupuncture for menstruation-related migraine prophylaxis:A multicenter rand...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0512 yuki 2023-9-30 21:32
The durable effect of acupuncture for episodic migraine: a systematic review ...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0457 yuki 2023-9-30 21:28
Atogepant, the first oral preventive treatment for chronic migraineattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0462 yuki 2023-9-30 21:22
Astrocyte-Microglia Crosstalk_ A Novel Target for...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0490 yuki 2023-9-30 21:18
A case report of a chronic migraine patient treated with three different anti...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-30 0572 yuki 2023-9-30 21:12
Successful or pathological cognitive aging? converging into a “frontal prese...attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 孙蓓婕 2023-9-30 0509 孙蓓婕 2023-9-30 02:00
阿尔茨海默病患者对疼痛的感知不同attachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 孙蓓婕 2023-9-30 0462 孙蓓婕 2023-9-30 01:37
Expectations and clinical meaningfulness of randomized controlled trialsattachment 痴呆疾病讨论区 孙蓓婕 2023-9-30 1519 孙蓓婕 2023-9-30 00:58
The associations between plasma soluble Trem1 and neurological diseases:a Me...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-28 0498 yuki 2023-9-28 21:23
Phenotypic and Genotypic Associations Between Migraine and Lipoprotein Subfra...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-28 0364 yuki 2023-9-28 21:21
Migraine and risk of rheumatoid arthritis:A systematic review and meta-analy...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-28 0439 yuki 2023-9-28 21:19
Higher Circulating Vitamin D Levels Are Associated With Decreased Migraine Ri...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-28 0415 yuki 2023-9-28 21:17
New and sex-specific migraine susceptibility loci identified from a multiethn... 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-28 0392 yuki 2023-9-28 21:15
New and sex-specific migraine susceptibility loci identified from a multiethn...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 yuki 2023-9-28 0414 yuki 2023-9-28 21:14
“天灸”溯源及潜在应用价值探析attachment 免疫相关疾病区 WTW 2023-9-27 0572 WTW 2023-9-27 21:52
A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends of Acupuncture Therapy in the Tre...attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0417 WTW 2023-9-27 20:26
腰椎间盘突出症(腰痛病)热敏选穴规律浅析attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0560 WTW 2023-9-27 20:10
基于《黄帝内经》探讨腰痛的经络系统分层特点及针刺治疗方法attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0423 WTW 2023-9-27 20:07
《内经》腰痛之经络辨治attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0415 WTW 2023-9-27 20:05
Low back painattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0401 WTW 2023-9-27 20:03
腰椎间盘突出症患者不同敏化类型施术方法选择临床观察attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0371 WTW 2023-9-27 20:01
Mast Cells and Acupuncture Analgesia 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0352 WTW 2023-9-27 19:57
穴位压痛敏化的研究进展attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0389 WTW 2023-9-27 19:53
基于穴位敏化理论探讨针刺痛敏点对慢性非特异性腰痛患者的临床疗效attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0407 WTW 2023-9-27 19:49
近五年针刺治疗慢性疼痛机制研究进展attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0346 WTW 2023-9-27 19:46
慢性疼痛分类目录和定义attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0449 WTW 2023-9-27 19:42
针刺肌筋膜激发点治疗盘源性腰痛 45 例attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0523 WTW 2023-9-27 19:40
浅谈筋膜激痛点与穴位敏化的关系 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0470 WTW 2023-9-27 19:37
浅谈筋膜激痛点与穴位敏化的关系attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 WTW 2023-9-27 0324 WTW 2023-9-27 19:36
The role of sleep in pain and fibromyalgiaattachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0361 longhualsy 2023-9-27 18:01
基于多组学的耳穴综合疗法治...亢型偏头痛的临床及机制研究_黄绍磊attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0348 longhualsy 2023-9-27 17:58
针刺足少阳头项部经穴治疗偏头痛的效果及机制研究_尤阳attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0403 longhualsy 2023-9-27 17:54
fMRI技术在基于临床针刺...领域的文献计量学分析及评述_谢玉洁attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0368 longhualsy 2023-9-27 16:45
基于核转录因子-κB信号通...针灸四关穴治疗偏头痛的机制_梁晓瑜attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0351 longhualsy 2023-9-27 16:25
运用fMRI技术探究针刺对...痛患者脑功能连接网络的影响_张雨桐attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0359 longhualsy 2023-9-27 16:23
针刺对无先兆偏头痛患者血浆...Rβ_δ的影响机制研究初探_李瑷同attachment 疼痛疾病讨论区 longhualsy 2023-9-27 0363 longhualsy 2023-9-27 16:19


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