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消化疾病讨论区 今日: 0|主题: 619|排名: 8 

版主: anwlg
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预览 针刺治疗消化系统疾病机制 新人帖 wch 2024-11-22 1303 wsy 2024-11-24 19:07
预览 Aberrant resting-state functional connectivity and topological properties of... attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0867 longhualsy 2023-1-19 16:25
预览 Bibliometric analysis of functional dyspepsia research trends over the past 2... attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0737 longhualsy 2023-1-19 16:19
预览 The autonomic nervous system: A potential link to the efficacy of acupuncture attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0854 longhualsy 2023-1-19 16:17
预览 Retracted: Clinical Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Traditional Chinese M... attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 01833 longhualsy 2023-1-19 16:15
预览 Clinical Practice Guideline of Chinese Medicine for Chronic Gastritis attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0611 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:39
预览 Integrative Treatment of Reflux and Functional Dyspepsia in Children attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0642 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:38
预览 Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline for Stomach Pain ... attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0648 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:33
预览 Osteoporosis is a novel risk factor of infections attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0700 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:27
预览 Effect of acupuncture on postoperative ileus after attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0661 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:25
预览 A multiplex protein panel assay for severity predi attachment longhualsy 2023-1-19 0612 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:23
预览 Comparative metabolomics study on therapeutic mechanism longhualsy 2023-1-19 0659 longhualsy 2023-1-19 14:20
预览 Placebo Response Rates in Acupuncture Therapy Trials for Functional Dyspepsia... attachment yqw 2023-1-19 0649 yqw 2023-1-19 09:45
预览 电针治疗功能性消化不良机制研究 attachment 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-8-18 01154 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-8-18 00:25
预览 Electroacupuncture for the treatment of functional dyspepsia attachment 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-3-20 01355 星空z月亮忘记了 2021-3-20 16:50
预览 喝酸奶就能调理肠道?酸奶和药品里的活菌区别在于? anwlg 2020-12-22 01610 anwlg 2020-12-22 17:40
预览 最新共识:萎缩性胃炎、肠化、上皮内瘤变——诊断、治疗和随访 | 指南共识 anwlg 2020-12-16 01537 anwlg 2020-12-16 19:20
预览 根除幽门螺杆菌一定要注意这8个问题,否则可能会杀菌失败! anwlg 2020-6-3 02002 anwlg 2020-6-3 17:48
预览 肚子疼究竟是哪里疼?医生说这几种肚子疼格外危险! anwlg 2020-6-3 01836 anwlg 2020-6-3 17:44
预览 有哪些水果可以帮助缓解咳嗽 推荐这8种 anwlg 2019-12-30 02122 anwlg 2019-12-30 18:09
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